KOBO Seattle | since 1995

Virtual Art Space, January 2021: Jodi Rockwell & Michelle Murphy

January 07, 2021

Virtual Art Space, January 2021: Jodi Rockwell & Michelle Murphy

Thanks for visiting! This show ended in February 2021. To see the show, click on this link. Please contact us if you have any questions, or check out the For the Home section to see what is currently available by these artists.

Jodi's Bio
Jodi Rockwell has been working with clay for 31 years. She moved from her native Michigan home to Seattle in 1999 to earn an MFA in Ceramics from the University of Washington. She currently works out of JRock Studios in Seattle, while simultaneously raising 2 boys, running Rockland Residency with her partner and educating studio members. Rockwell has shown work at The Whatcom Museum, The Henry Art Gallery, SOIL Gallery, Bumbershoot Music and Arts Festival and The Lab Gallery in NYC. Follow Jodi on IG: @jrockstudios

Michelle's Bio
Michelle is a ceramic artist and illustrator. Her work often draws inspiration from the natural world informed by experiences working as a restoration ecologist for 15 years in the northwest. She also just completed a masters program and counseling and likes to create work that connects, the natural world, creative process and healing. She finds working with clay to be therapeutic, especially the tactile experience of working with the earth and creating form from it.  She also feels that clay keeps her in the present as there are so many places with ceramic work were they piece can be lost or completely changed in the firing process. Working this way consistently asks her to let go of outcomes and get comfortable with the unknown. Her ceramic work is hand built, making the shapes of each piece unique and she uses etching techniques including the Japanese technique of Mishima. 

Michelle lives in Seattle, WA and her studio is called Flora and Earth you can find more of her work on instagram @floraandearthceramics