KOBO Seattle | since 1995
![]() Craftmanship The production process for all of their basic items are done in Japan. They believe it is important to continue in Their effort to pass the craftsmanship down the generations since lacquer is rarely tapped in Japan now (They use the lacquer imported from Asia). |
![]() Wooden Products In Japan where table manners require holding bowls with your hands, it is inevitable to use gentle wooden products. All of their bowls are made of wood, following their ancestors’ wisdom. Tableware made from natural wood allows the heat to be gently transmitted to your hands and mouth. |
![]() Care of Lacquerware 1. Wash in luke warm water with a soft cloth and rinse. 2. Avoid direct sunlight. 3. Keep away from stoves or heaters and avoid excessive dryness and humidity. 4. Do not stack on top of other lacquer products. 5. Wipe off fingerprints. 6. To restore luster, polish with a soft dry cloth and, if necessary, apply a few drops of vegetable oil. |